lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple exercises

Write the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the words in brackets.

1. The film finished a few minutes ago.
The film __________________________ (Just)

2. I went to the new multi-screen cinema for the first time.
I ________________________ to the new multi-screen cinema. (Been)

3. Paul has never used an Xbox.
Paul___________________ an Xbox (Ever)

4. I don't want to borrow your novel. I read it last year.
I don't want to borrow your novel because I ______________________ (Already)

5. Costas started playing chess at the beginning of term.
Costas ___________________________ the beginning of term. (Since)

Write the correct form and order of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. We ________________________ (see already) Shrek 3.
2. The girls really ________________________ (enjoy) drama club yesterday.
3. 'Can I borrow your DVD of the Matrix?' 'No, sorry, but I ________________________ (not watch it yet).
4. Tom ________________________ (never take) part in a school play.
5. ________________________ (you see) eviction night on Big Brother yesterday?
6. Your dad ________________________ (just order) a satellite dish for our TV!
7. ________________________  (you read already) this magazine?
8. Alison ________________________ (buy already) The Bourne Ultimatum on DVD.
9. Pauline ________________________ (nearly finished) doing the crossword in a newspaper.
10. Where ________________________ (you buy) tht coat? It looks really expensive.

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Tarea 9: Formulario de Forms

 Debido a las reclamaciones por parte de las familias del centro, sobre el horario escolar y la conciliación, se ha creado este cuestionario...