sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018

Basic Reading Comprehension: Speedy

1.                  Fill in the gaps using the right option.

She can do amazing things with a bike but, can she win an Olympic gold medal? Meet Shanaze, the queen of BMX racing.

Who is Shanaze?
Shanaze Reade, nineteen, is fast and brave and she wants to win. Her friends call her ‘Speedy Readey’ and you can see why, as she flies 1)_______ the race track on her bike.

What is BMX?
BMX, which was a new sport for the Beijing Olympics, is an extremely 2)______ race. Shanaze has  broken many bones because riders have to jump 3-4 metres up in the air. It’s a long way down.

Why did she take up this sport?
Shanaze is ‘sports-mad’, so when she saw her cousin race his BMX bike, she had to try it 3)_________ ! She was only ten and couldn’t 4)_________  a new bike, so she bought her first BMX bike second-hand for 1 pound.  By the 5)_______ she was fifteen she was under the eighteen world champion. When she is 6)______ ready to race, Shanaze can’t be nervous. ‘I visualize putting my brain into a box and closing it’, she 7)______ . ‘I become like a robot’.

Did she win an Olympic medal?
So what happened in the Olympic fainl? At the last turn, Shanaze knew she could win silver 8) ________ , but that wasn’t enough. Shanaze didn’t 9)_____  to think – she only wanted gold. She tried to overtake the bike in front, but crashed onto the 10) _____. She couldn’t win the gold medal. Was it the right choice? Shanaze thought so, it’s the Olympics and you have to give it everything and go for gold.

1-             a.  at                              b.  on                   c.  round
2-             a. Dangerous                  b. bad                   c. dirty
3-             a. also                            b. and                   c. too
4-             a. hire                            b. sell                   c. afford
5-             a. time                           b. end                   c. way
6-             a. being                          b. getting              c. doing
7-             a. says                           b. speaks              c. talks
    a. easy                           b. easily                c. easier
    a. should                        b. have                 c. must
10-                 a. ring                            b. track                 c. course

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