jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Blank Mind Map about Reported Speech

Students find Reported Speech a bit difficult because they have to think about the changes in the whole sentences and they can't do it in a mechanic way such as in another grammar structures.

The point with this blank mind map is to motivate them while they are practicing the most basic facts about Reported Speech. That is why it includes some pictures that are very common in their dailylives such as football, Xbox, eating, cooking, etc.

As it is simple, this reported speech blank mind map is just to practice statements. I will make another about questions, request and commands. But this one also includes some adverbs that they have to change and are very common in reported speech.

This activity can be done in groups or individually. It depends on the teacher and if the class is divided in groups or not.

Hope you like it!

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