miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

Verbs followed by gerund and to infinitive

To admit doing sth : admitir haber hecho algo eg. She admitted having driven / driving the car without insurance.
Be used to doing sth : estar acostumbrado a hacer algo eg. She is used to working late.
Can´t help doing sth : no poder evitar hacer algo eg. I can´t help laughing at the joke.
Can´t stand / bear doing sth : no poder soportar hacer algo eg. I can´t stand doing the washing-up.
Imagine doing sth : imaginarse hacer algo eg. Can you imagine being on holiday all through the year?
In addition to doing sth = Besides doing sth : además de hacer algo eg. In addition to working nights, she goes to univerity in the afternoon.
It´s no use doing sth : no vale la pena hacer algo eg. It´s no use telling her how to drive; she doesn´t want to learn.
Suggest doing sth : sugerir hacer algo eg. John suggested going to see the new play tonight.
To avoid doing sth : evitar hacer algo eg. I avoided bumping into the car in front by braking.
To be worth doing sth : merecer la pena hacer algo eg. This film is worth watching.
To begin = to start doing sth : empezar a hacer algo eg. I started / began working here eight years ago.
To consider doing sth : considerar hacer algo eg. I would never consider travelling to warring countries.
To deny doing sth : negar haber hecho algo eg. The thief denied stealing the jewels.
To dislike doing sth : no gustar hacer algo eg. I love playing tennis but I dislike watching it.
To enjoy doing sth : disfrutar haciendo algo eg. I enjoy travelling by train.
To feel like doing sth = to fancy doing sth: apetecer hacer algo eg. I feel like going to an Indian restaurant.
To finish doing sth : terminar de hacer algo eg. What time did you finish reading last night?
To get used to doing sth : acostumbrarse a hacer algo eg. She still hasn´t got used to living in rainy England.
To involve doing sth: implicar hacer algo eg. She didn´t do well at school, which involved failing several subjects.
To hate doing sth : odiar hacer algo eg. I hate having to get up early.
To keep doing sth : seguir haciendo algo, no dejar de hacer algo eg. If you keep trying, in the end you will succeed.
To like doing sth : gustar hacer algo eg. She likes running every morning.
To look forward to doing sth : estar deseando hacer algo eg. I´m looking forward to taking some great photos.
To love doing sth : encantar hacer algo eg. I love playing tennis but I dislike watching it.
To mind doing sth : importar hacer algo eg. I wouldn´t mind going on a cruise in the Caribbean.
To mind sbdy doing sth : importar que alguien haga algo eg. I don´t mind you watching TV on condition you have finished your
To miss doing sth : echar de menos hacer algo eg. I miss being able to visit my family.
To prefer doing sth to doing sth else : preferir hacer algo a hacer otra cosa eg. I prefer studying to working.
To recommend doing sth : recomendar hacer algo eg. I would recommend taking pros and cons into consideration.
To resist doing sth : resistirse a hacer algo eg. He couldn't resist showing off his new car.
To risk doing sth : arriesgarse a hacer algo eg. She risks losing her job for working so little.
When it comes to doing sth : cuando se trata de hacer algo eg. When it comes to getting things done, he's useless.

To be up to sbdy to do sth : ser cosa de uno, ser responsabilidad de uno hacer algo eg. It´s up to us to end environmental disasters.
Can´t wait to do sth : estar deseando hacer algo eg. I can´t wait to meet them = I´m looking forward to meeting them.
To advise sbdy to do sth : aconsejar a alguien a hacer algo eg. They advised us to take a taxi.
To afford to do sth: permitirse el lujo de hacer algo eg. You can´t afford to be careless in this job.
To allow sbdy to do sth = to enable sbdy to do sth : permitir a alguien hacer algo eg. The new durable and lightweight running shoes
allowed athletes to train longer.
To be about to do sth : estar a punto de hacer algo eg. The wedding was about to be a disaster because the bride and groom quarrelled.
To convince sbdy to do sth : convencer a alguien a hacer algo eg. She convinced me to volunteer to help needy people.
To decide to do sth : decidir hacer algo eg. Why did you decide to look for a new job?
To encourage sbdy to do sth : animar / estiumular a alguien a hacer algo eg. Music is used to encourage shoppers to buy more.
To expect sbdy to do sth : esperar que alguien haga algo eg. I expect her to come any minute now.
To forbid sbdy to do sth : prohibir a alguien hacer algo eg. She forbade me to talk about it.
To force sbdy to do sth : obligar a alguien a hacer algo eg. The boss forced the employees to work overtime for nothing.
To get sbdy to do sth : conseguir que alguien haga algo eg. I got them to wash the car in less than an hour.
To hesitate to do sth : dudar eg. Don´t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
To invite sbdy to do sth : invitar a alguien a hacer algo eg. Our boss invited us to have a wonderful dinner.
To manage to do sth = to succeed in doing sth = to be able to do sth = to be capable of doing sth : conseguir hacer algo, ser capaz de
hacer algo eg. Simon has finally managed to pass his driving test.
To order sbdy to do sth : ordenar a alguien a hacer algo eg. The officer ordered soldiers to train harder.
To persuade sbdy to do sth : convencer a alguien a hacer algo eg. She persuaded me to volunteer to help needy people.
To promise to do sth: prometer hacer algo eg. She promised to do her best next time.
To refuse to do sth : negarse a hacer algo eg. He flatly refused to discuss the matter.
To remind sbdy to do sth : recordar a alguien a hacer algo eg. She reminded me to post the letter.
To teach sbdy to do sth : enseñar a alguien a hacer algo eg. The teacher taught students to do math exercises.
To tell sbdy to do sth : decir a alguien que haga algo eg. A white girl told him to leave the bus seat because he was black.
To turn out to be : resultar ser eg. The party turned out to be a success.
To want sbdy to do sth : querer que alguien haga algo eg. I wanted them to remain at home.
To warn sbdy to do sth : advertir a alguien a hacer algo eg. She warned us not to get into trouble.
Would like / hate / love / dislike / prefer + to do sth eg I would (dis)like / hate / love to have a cup of tea.

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