miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

Frozen worksheet

Solar system

Fronting of so and such

The child was so intelligent that she started university when she was 11
The guitarist was so talented that he was never short of work.
The offer was so attractive that it was impossible to refuse.
The tornado was so powerful that it destroyed whole villages.

Reading Comprehension: Muzak

 “One moment, please.” As your telephone call is put on hold, music suddenly swells through the receiver. Muzak, “the background music “ so familiar to us today in public places as well as on the telephone, was invented by General George Squier in 1922. It was originally designed to increase productivity in the workplace but is has also had other purposes; for example, in the 1920s , Muzak was introduced into the lifts of skyscrapers to calm the passengers. But, can background music control behaviour as well as feelings? Psychology Proffesor Adrian North conducted a study to discover if this music could influence customers’ choices. His team arranged for a supermarket to play French accordion and German brass-band music at different times to see if this affected the sale of wines from these countries. The wines were clearly labelled and identified by country name and flag to avoid confusion, and the prices of the wines were comparable. After two weeks, the results were clear. When the German music was broadcast, 73% of the wine sold was German. Conversely, when the French music was aired, 77% of the wine sold was French. Most of the customers interviewed after doing their shoppings insisted that they had no preference for either country’s wine.

 a) Why was background music originally designed?
b) What did Proffesor Adrian North wanr to discover?
c) How were French and German wines identified?

a) Muzak was introduced into the lifts of skyscrapers to make people work harder.
 b) Customers had previous preference for French wines.

a) Become larger:
 b) Aims:
 c) Similar:

 4.1.- Change into the active voice:
Background music was invented by George Squier. _______________________________________________________________
 4.2.- Write the question for this answer :
 Paul has been listening to music for three hours. _________________________________________________________________?
4.3.- Write the following sentence in the negative:
The wines were clearly labelled and identified . _________________________________________________________________

 5.-WRITING: Write an e-mail to a friend or relative telling him/her about your plans for next summer

Reading comprehension: Travelling

 The government has recently presented its plans for air travel. It wants to make the two London airports bigger. Some people have already started complaining. They say that planes already make too much noise and cause too much pollution. They also say that the air travel is very cheap and easy. They think that the government should make air travel more expensive and stop people travelling by plane.
Of course there are problems with air travel but there are also so many good things about it.
My grandparents never went abroad and they didn’t know much about the rest of the world. They thought that the north of England was a foreign country. My life is very, very different. I work for a German company, so I often need to travel to Germany, I live with my Argentinean wife, and we go to Japanese, Italian, Spanish restaurants. We watch films from all over the world. We speak three different languages.
 Long ago it took days to travel from Europe to America and only rich people could travel, but now things have changed a lot. You can find very cheap tickets in the Internet. We sometimes go to Holland to spend the weekend –or France or Spain.

1. Give full answers to the following questions:
a) What are the plans the English government has?
 b) Do people agree with those plans? Say why/why not?
 c) What do they say about airplanes?
d) How different is the writer’s life from his grandparents?
e) Where does the writer sometimes spend the weekends?

2. Say if these statements are true or false. Provide some evidence from the text.
1. My grandparents thought that the south of England was a foreign country.
2. People can find cheap tickets in the Internet.

3. Find words or phrases that mean:
1. Contamination
2. In a foreign country
3. Business

4. 1 Change into the passive voice: “ The government has recently presented plans for air travel”

4.2 Write the question for the underlines part of this answer: “Some people have already started complaining

4.3 Write the following sentence into the reported speech: “ My grandparents never went abroad and they didn’t know much about the rest of the world”


-          Susan has got a new house in the outskirts of Salamanca.
-          Those gloves belong to Mary.
-          We usually spend the summer in the coast.
-          About 20 or 30 Euros.
-          Yes, they are Kate’s.
-          She always does her shopping in that supermarket because it is much cheaper.
-          On a typical day, Luke gets up at 7 o’clock.
-          They are working.
-          They are working very hard.
-          He is playing tennis.
-          She is going to school today
-          They are living here.
-          She’s eating at the moment.
-          Susan is talking to Jane.
-          Helen went shopping yesterday at 5 o’clock.
-          My brother bought his new car 2 months ago.
-          I last saw him in January

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Tarea 9: Formulario de Forms

 Debido a las reclamaciones por parte de las familias del centro, sobre el horario escolar y la conciliación, se ha creado este cuestionario...